Recognising things that disturb our studying
Every scholar wants to excel but a lot of times, if not all, there are factors that prevent them from effective studying. Let's get through some of these things:
Lack of program
Most are finding it difficult or get the results they want, simply because they do not have a proper study plan. A proper study plan includes among others, adopting a study timetable. This timetable should include breaks in which you would do activities like socialising, eating, exercising, etc. Be strict on the time devoted to these activities.
According to WordWeb, this is defined as, putting off, delaying or deferring an action to a later time.
Even those who have study plans suffer from it. There are a lot of things which cause this procrastination. Recognise these and deal with them immediately. A lot of time when studying is procrastinated, a later time as to when will one get to the studying is not defined, thus taking forever to get back to studying
TIP: Get on to studying immediately as per your study plan
Not everyone can handle studying in noisy or untidy areas. Recognise what works for you but a suggestion, study in a calm, if not quiet environment. Also ensure that the area you're studying in appreciably neat or in order. I mean, who likes sitting in an untidy park
We all know the demand of tests, exams and tutorials. Most students starve themselves of this valuable thing. A well-planned study program will also include this. To study effectively, you need a fresh mind which arise from a body that is well rested. Get some rest don't oversleep)
Social networks
It is a fact that today's life is on social networks. These platform, though good, can be harmful. The good is that: you can find Ramta Solutions; you can find notes and solutions on how to solve problems,; can find friends; and can communicate with family. I'm forgetting the bad for now
When you don't have a study plan, you'll find yourself devoting much time to social network. Give it time as per the study plan
Interest in the topic
According to Independence University, "Your focus, your enthusiasm, your interest in studying is almost all directly related to your interest in the topic being presented. For maximum results, if for example, you have freedom to choose subjects, do not choose those of no interest to you. If you're a scholar who has no choice in subject composition, change your attitude on the subject until you're done with it. Excel in it too.
We hope this helps you. Happy studying!!!!!!!